- Neft
- Kitabda neftin mәnşәyi, neft quyularının qazılması, neftin çıxarılması, emal olunması və onun xalq təsərrüfatında әһәmiyyәti һaqqında elmi-kütləvi formada məlumat verilir. Әsәr orta ümumtәһsil mәktәblәrindә şagirdlәrә peşә seçmәkdə kömәk məqsədilә yazılmışdır. Kitabdan orta ixtisas vә ali mәktәblərin taləbәlәri dә istifado edә bilәrlər. Qeyd: Əgər fikirləşirsinizsə ki, bu kitabın satışı müəlliflik hüququnu pozulmuşdur o zaman xəbər edin və mən onu saytdan…
- $0.00
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- Measurement and Instrumentation Principles
- The aim of the book is to present the topics of sensors and instrumentation, and their use within measurement systems, as an integrated and coherent subject. Measurement systems, and the instruments and sensors used within them, are of immense importance in a wide variety of domestic and industrial activities. Note: If you think that the sale of this book…
- Original price was: $14.99.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.
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- Formulas & Calculations for Drilling, Production, & Workover
- This book is still intended to serve oilfield workers for the entirety of their careers. I have added several formulas and calculations, some in English field units and some in Metric units. I have also added the Volumetric Procedure, the Lubricate and Bleed Procedure (both Volume and Pressure Method), and stripping procedures (both the Strip and Bleed Procedure and the…
- Original price was: $4.99.$2.99Current price is: $2.99.
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- This petroleum and natural gas engineering two-volume handbook is written in the spirit of the classic handbooks of other engineering disciplines. The two volumes reflect the importance of the industry its engineers serve (i.e., Standard and Poor’s shows that the fuels sector is the largest single entity in the gross domestic product) and the profession’s status as a mature engineering…
- Original price was: $149.99.$94.99Current price is: $94.99.
- Sale!
- This petroleum and natural gas engineering two-volume handbook is written in the spirit of the classic handbooks of other engineering disciplines. The two volumes reflect the importance of the industry its engineers serve (i.e., Standard and Poor’s shows that the fuels sector is the largest single entity in the gross domestic product) and the profession’s status as a mature engineering…
- Original price was: $149.99.$94.59Current price is: $94.59.
- Oxford Users’ Guide to Mathematics
- The Oxford Users' Guide to Mathematics responds to the high standards required by the growing influence of computer science within the mathematical sciences and the increasingly close relationships between mathematics and the natural and engineering sciences. It conveys a lively, modern picture of mathematics aimed at a wide readership, including: - students of high schools and undergraduates, - graduate students…
- $4.99
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- Riyaziyyat Kitabları Toplusu
- RİYAZİYYAT KİTABLARI TOPLUSU Burada siz Riyaziyyatın müxtəlif sahələrinə aid testlər, məsələlər, misallar və onların cavabları, nəzəriyyə və müəyyən nümunələr əldə edə biləcəksiniz. Bu topluda olan faylların adları ilə tanış olun. 1 Faiz nisbet tenasub.pdf 2 Faiz nisbet tenasub.pdf 2017-918.pdf 6-7 sinif moterizelerin acilmasi.ppt 9 IXSINIF.xlsx 9-cu sinifler ucun fevral-martda olacaq imtahan numuneleri-6.pdf 9-cu sinifler ucun fevral-martda olacaq imtahan numuneleri-7.pdf Vurma…
- Original price was: $11.99.$6.99Current price is: $6.99.
- Doing Math With Python
- If you yourself are learning programming, you’ll appreciate how this book demonstrates ways to solve problems with computers. Likewise, if you teach such learners, I hope you find this book useful to demonstrate the application of programming skills beyond the sometimes abstract world of computer science. This book assumes the reader knows the absolute basics of Python programming using Python 3—specifically,…
- $2.99
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- Qazma Mühəndisliyi
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
- Original price was: $25.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
- Practical Centrifugal Pumps
- • If you are an engineer or technician you will learn the inside information on why and how pumps are designed. No longer will you be specifying pumps you don’t understand. • If you are working in the plant and maintenance area you will learn how pumps work, what the main causes of pump problems are and how to fix them…
- $1.99